Source code for logilab.database.ftiquery

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"""Query objects for Generic Indexer.

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

from logilab.database.fti import StopWord, tokenize

[docs]class Query: """a query is the object manipulated by the indexer the query parser'll call add_word and add_phrase on this object accoring to the query string (see query.g for the query string's grammar) """ def __init__(self, normalize): self.normalize = normalize self.words = {} self.phrases = []
[docs] def add_word(self, word): """add a single word query""" try: word = self.normalize(word) except StopWord: return # all single word queries'll be in a single KeywordsQuery # so delay instantiation and remove duplicate words self.words[word] = 1
[docs] def add_phrase(self, phrase): """add a single phrase query""" tokens = [] for word in tokenize(phrase): try: tokens.append(self.normalize(word)) except StopWord: continue self.phrases.append(PhraseQuery(tokens))
[docs] def execute(self, cursor): """execute this query using the given cursor yield a list of 2-uple (rating, uid) """ assert self.words or self.phrases # keywords query if not self.words: results = {} else: results = KeywordsQuery(sorted(self.words.keys())).dict_query(cursor) if not results: raise StopIteration() # phrase queries for q in self.phrases: _results = q.dict_query(cursor, results and results.keys() or None) if not _results: yield () # return () # adjust rating for uid, rating in results.items(): try: _results[uid] += rating except Exception: continue results = _results for uid, rating in results.items(): yield (rating, uid)
[docs]class KeywordsQuery: """ a keywords query'll look for uid matching all those words in any order """ def __init__(self, words): self.words = words
[docs] def dict_query(self, cursor, uids=None): """execute this query using the given cursor the query maybe restricted to a given list of uids return a dict with uid as keys and rating as value """ results = {} attrs = {} tables, select = [], [] for i in range(len(self.words)): tables.append("appears as appears%d, word as word%d" % (i, i)) select.append("word%d.word = %%(word%d)s " % (i, i)) select.append("word%d.word_id = appears%d.word_id " % (i, i)) attrs["word%d" % i] = self.words[i] if i > 0: select.append("appears%d.uid = appears%d.uid " % (i - 1, i)) query = ( "SELECT count(*) as rating, appears0.uid FROM " + ", ".join(tables) + " WHERE " + " AND ".join(select) + " GROUP BY appears0.uid ;" ) cursor.execute(query, attrs) for rating, uid in cursor.fetchall(): results[uid] = rating return results
[docs]class PhraseQuery: """ a phrase query'll look for uid matching all phrase's tokens in the same order """ def __init__(self, tokens): self.tokens = tokens
[docs] def dict_query(self, cursor, uids=None): """execute this query using the given cursor the query maybe restricted to a given list of uids return a dict with uid as keys and rating as value """ results = {} if uids is not None: uids = ", ".join([str(uid) for uid in uids]) restrict = "AND uid in (%s)" % uids else: restrict = "" query = ( "SELECT uid, pos FROM appears,word " "WHERE word.word = '%s'" "AND word.word_id = appears.word_id %s" % (self.tokens[0], restrict) ) cursor.execute(query) for uid, pos in cursor.fetchall(): w_pos = pos matches_all = 1 for t in self.tokens[1:]: w_pos += 1 cursor.execute( "SELECT appears.uid " "FROM appears,word " "WHERE word.word = %(word)s " "AND appears.pos = %(pos)s " "AND appears.uid = %(uid)s " "AND word.word_id = appears.word_id ;", {"word": t, "uid": uid, "pos": w_pos}, ) if not cursor.fetchall(): matches_all = 0 break if matches_all: results[uid] = results.get(uid, 0) + 1 return results