Source code for logilab.database

# copyright 2003-2014 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
# contact --
# This file is part of logilab-database.
# logilab-database is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# logilab-database is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with logilab-database. If not, see <>.
"""Wrappers to get actually replaceable DBAPI2 compliant modules and
database connection whatever the database and client lib used.

Currently support:

- postgresql (pgdb, psycopg, psycopg2, pyPgSQL)
- sqlite (pysqlite2, sqlite, sqlite3)

just use the `get_connection` function from this module to get a
wrapped connection.  If multiple drivers for a database are available,
you can control which one you want to use using the
`set_prefered_driver` function.

Additional helpers are also provided for advanced functionalities such
as listing existing users or databases, creating database... Get the
helper for your database using the `get_db_helper` function.

import warnings

__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

import threading
import logging
from datetime import datetime, date
from warnings import warn
from importlib import import_module

from import todate, todatetime, utcdatetime, utctime
from logilab.common.deprecation import callable_deprecated

from logilab.database.fti import FTIndexerMixIn

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger("logilab.database")


_LOAD_MODULES_LOCK = threading.Lock()


def _ensure_module_loaded(driver):
    if driver in ("postgres", "sqlite"):
        with _LOAD_MODULES_LOCK:
            __import__("logilab.database.%s" % driver)

# main functions ###############################################################

[docs]def get_db_helper(driver): """returns an advanced function helper for the given driver""" _ensure_module_loaded(driver) return _ADV_FUNC_HELPER_DIRECTORY[driver]()
[docs]def get_dbapi_compliant_module( driver, prefered_drivers=None, quiet=False, pywrap=False ): """returns a fully dbapi compliant module""" _ensure_module_loaded(driver) try: mod = _ADAPTER_DIRECTORY.adapt(driver, prefered_drivers, pywrap=pywrap) except NoAdapterFound as err: if not quiet: msg = "No Adapter found for %s, returning native module" _LOGGER.warning(msg, err.objname) mod = err.adapted_obj return mod
[docs]def get_connection( driver="postgres", host="", database="", user="", password="", port="", quiet=False, drivers=_PREFERED_DRIVERS, pywrap=False, schema=None, extra_args=None, ): """return a db connection according to given arguments extra_args is an optional string that is appended to the DSN""" _ensure_module_loaded(driver) module, modname = _import_driver_module(driver, drivers) try: adapter = _ADAPTER_DIRECTORY.get_adapter(driver, modname) except NoAdapterFound as err: if not quiet: msg = "No Adapter found for %s, using default one" _LOGGER.warning(msg, err.objname) adapted_module = DBAPIAdapter(module, pywrap) else: adapted_module = adapter(module, pywrap) if host and not port: try: host, port = host.split(":", 1) except ValueError: pass if port: port = int(port) return adapted_module.connect( host, database, user, password, port=port, schema=schema, extra_args=extra_args )
[docs]def set_prefered_driver(driver, module, _drivers=_PREFERED_DRIVERS): """sets the preferred driver module for driver driver is the name of the db engine (postgresql,...) module is the name of the module providing the connect function syntax is (params_func, post_process_func_or_None) _drivers is a optional dictionary of drivers """ _ensure_module_loaded(driver) with _LOAD_MODULES_LOCK: try: modules = _drivers[driver] except KeyError: raise UnknownDriver("Unknown driver %s" % driver) # Remove module from modules list, and re-insert it in first position try: modules.remove(module) except ValueError: raise UnknownDriver("Unknown module %s for %s" % (module, driver)) modules.insert(0, module)
# types converters #############################################################
[docs]def convert_datetime(value): # Note: use is __class__ since issubclass(datetime, date) if type(value) is date: value = todatetime(value) return value
[docs]def convert_date(value): if isinstance(value, datetime): value = todate(value) return value
[docs]def convert_tzdatetime(value): # Note: use is __class__ since issubclass(datetime, date) if type(value) is date: value = todatetime(value) elif getattr(value, "tzinfo", None): value = utcdatetime(value) return value
[docs]def convert_tztime(value): if getattr(value, "tzinfo", None): value = utctime(value) return value
# unified db api ###############################################################
[docs]class UnknownDriver(Exception): """raised when a unknown driver is given to get connection"""
[docs]class NoAdapterFound(Exception): """Raised when no Adapter to DBAPI was found""" def __init__(self, obj, objname=None, protocol="DBAPI"): if objname is None: objname = obj.__name__ Exception.__init__( self, "Could not adapt %s to protocol %s" % (objname, protocol) ) self.adapted_obj = obj self.objname = objname self._protocol = protocol
# _AdapterDirectory could be more generic by adding a 'protocol' parameter # This one would become an adapter for 'DBAPI' protocol class _AdapterDirectory(dict): """A simple dict that registers all adapters""" def register_adapter(self, adapter, driver, modname): """Registers 'adapter' in directory as adapting 'mod'""" try: driver_dict = self[driver] except KeyError: self[driver] = {} driver_dict[modname] = adapter def adapt(self, driver, prefered_drivers=None, pywrap=False): """Returns an dbapi-compliant object based for driver""" prefered_drivers = prefered_drivers or _PREFERED_DRIVERS module, modname = _import_driver_module(driver, prefered_drivers) try: return self[driver][modname](module, pywrap=pywrap) except KeyError: raise NoAdapterFound(obj=module) def get_adapter(self, driver, modname): try: return self[driver][modname] except KeyError: raise NoAdapterFound(None, modname) _ADAPTER_DIRECTORY = _AdapterDirectory() del _AdapterDirectory def _import_driver_module(driver, drivers, quiet=True): """Imports the first module found in 'drivers' for 'driver' :rtype: tuple :returns: the tuple module_object, module_name where module_object is the dbapi module, and modname the module's name """ if driver not in drivers: raise UnknownDriver(driver) with _LOAD_MODULES_LOCK: for modname in drivers[driver]: try: if not quiet:"Trying %s", modname) module = import_module(modname) break except ImportError: if not quiet: _LOGGER.warning("%s is not available", modname) continue else: raise ImportError("Unable to import a %s module" % driver) return module, modname # base connection and cursor wrappers ##################### class _SimpleConnectionWrapper: """A simple connection wrapper in python to decorated C-level connections with additional attributes """ def __init__(self, cnx): """Wraps the original connection object""" self._cnx = cnx # XXX : Would it work if only __getattr__ was defined def cursor(self): """Wraps cursor()""" return self._cnx.cursor() def commit(self): """Wraps commit()""" return self._cnx.commit() def rollback(self): """Wraps rollback()""" return self._cnx.rollback() def close(self): """Wraps close()""" return self._cnx.close() def __getattr__(self, attrname): return getattr(self._cnx, attrname)
[docs]class PyConnection(_SimpleConnectionWrapper): """A simple connection wrapper in python, generating wrapper for cursors as well (useful for profiling) """ def __init__(self, cnx): """Wraps the original connection object""" self._cnx = cnx
[docs] def cursor(self): """Wraps cursor()""" return PyCursor(self._cnx.cursor())
[docs]class PyCursor: """A simple cursor wrapper in python (useful for profiling)""" def __init__(self, cursor): self._cursor = cursor
[docs] def close(self): """Wraps close()""" return self._cursor.close()
[docs] def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps execute()""" return self._cursor.execute(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def executemany(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps executemany()""" return self._cursor.executemany(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fetchone(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps fetchone()""" return self._cursor.fetchone(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fetchmany(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps execute()""" return self._cursor.fetchmany(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def fetchall(self, *args, **kwargs): """Wraps fetchall()""" return self._cursor.fetchall(*args, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, attrname): return getattr(self._cursor, attrname)
# abstract class for dbapi adapters #######################
[docs]class DBAPIAdapter: """Base class for all DBAPI adapters""" UNKNOWN = None # True if the fetch*() methods return a mutable structure (i.e. not a tuple) row_is_mutable = False # True if the fetch*() methods return unicode and not binary strings returns_unicode = False # True is the backend support COPY FROM method support_copy_from = False def __init__(self, native_module, pywrap=False): """ :type native_module: module :param native_module: the database's driver adapted module """ self._native_module = native_module self._pywrap = pywrap self.logger = _LOGGER # optimization: copy type codes from the native module to this instance # since the .process_value method may be heavily used for typecode in ( "STRING", "BOOLEAN", "BINARY", "DATETIME", "NUMBER", "UNKNOWN", ): try: setattr(self, typecode, getattr(self, typecode)) except AttributeError: self.logger.warning("%s adapter has no %s type code", self, typecode)
[docs] def connect( self, host="", database="", user="", password="", port="", schema=None, extra_args=None, ): """Wraps the native module connect method""" kwargs = { "host": host, "port": port, "database": database, "user": user, "password": password, } return self._wrap_if_needed(self._native_module.connect(**kwargs))
def _wrap_if_needed(self, cnx): """Wraps the connection object if self._pywrap is True, and returns it If false, returns the original cnx object """ if self._pywrap: cnx = PyConnection(cnx) return cnx def __getattr__(self, attrname): return getattr(self._native_module, attrname) # @cached ? def _transformation_callback(self, description, encoding="utf-8", binarywrap=None): typecode = description[1] assert typecode is not None, self transform = None if typecode == self.STRING and not self.returns_unicode: transform = lambda v: str(v, encoding, "replace") elif typecode == self.BOOLEAN: transform = bool elif typecode == self.BINARY and binarywrap is not None: transform = binarywrap elif typecode == self.UNKNOWN: # may occurs on constant selection for instance (e.g. SELECT 'hop') # with postgresql at least transform = lambda v: ( str(v, encoding, "replace") if isinstance(v, bytes) else v ) return transform
[docs] def process_cursor(self, cursor, encoding, binarywrap=None): """return an iterator on results. Each record is returned a list (not a tuple) and each element of the record is processed : - database strings are all unicode - database booleans are python boolean objects - if `binarywrap` is provided, it is used to wrap binary data """ cursor.arraysize = 100 # compute transformations (str->unicode, int->bool, etc.) required for each cell transformations = self._transformations( cursor.description, encoding, binarywrap ) row_is_mutable = self.row_is_mutable while True: has_result = False for line in cursor: result = line if row_is_mutable else list(line) # apply required transformations on each cell for col, transform in transformations: if result[col] is None: continue result[col] = transform(result[col]) has_result = True yield result if not has_result: break
def _transformations(self, description, encoding="utf-8", binarywrap=None): """returns the set of required transformations on the resultset Transformations are the functions used to convert raw results as returned by the dbapi module to standard python objects (e.g. unicode, bool, etc.) """ transformations = [] for i, coldescr in enumerate(description): transform = self._transformation_callback(coldescr, encoding, binarywrap) if transform is not None: transformations.append((i, transform)) return transformations
[docs] def process_value(self, value, description, encoding="utf-8", binarywrap=None): # if the dbapi module isn't supporting type codes, override to return # value directly transform = self._transformation_callback(description, encoding, binarywrap) if transform is not None: value = transform(value) return value
[docs] def binary_to_str(self, value): """turn raw value returned by the db-api module into a python string""" return bytes(value)
# advanced database helper #####################################################
[docs]class BadQuery(Exception): pass
[docs]class UnsupportedFunction(BadQuery): pass
[docs]class UnknownFunction(BadQuery): pass
# set of hooks that should be called at connection opening time. # mostly for sqlite'stored procedures that have to be registered... SQL_CONNECT_HOOKS = {} ALL_BACKENDS = object() # marker for cases where rtype depends on arguments passed to the function # In that case, functions should implement dynamic_rtype() method DYNAMIC_RTYPE = object()
[docs]class FunctionDescr: supported_backends = ALL_BACKENDS rtype = None # None <-> returned type should be the same as the first argument aggregat = False minargs = 1 maxargs = 1 name_mapping = {} def __init__(self, name=None): if name is not None: name = name.upper() else: name = self.__class__.__name__.upper() = name
[docs] def add_support(self, backend): if self.supported_backends is not ALL_BACKENDS: self.supported_backends += (backend,)
[docs] def check_nbargs(cls, nbargs): if cls.minargs is not None and nbargs < cls.minargs: raise BadQuery("not enough argument for function %s" % cls.__name__) if cls.maxargs is not None and nbargs > cls.maxargs: raise BadQuery("too many arguments for function %s" % cls.__name__)
check_nbargs = classmethod(check_nbargs)
[docs] def as_sql(self, backend, args): try: return getattr(self, "as_sql_%s" % backend)(args) except AttributeError: funcname = self.name_mapping.get(backend, return "%s(%s)" % (funcname, ", ".join(args))
[docs] def supports(self, backend): if ( self.supported_backends is ALL_BACKENDS or backend in self.supported_backends ): return True return False
[docs]class AggrFunctionDescr(FunctionDescr): aggregat = True rtype = None
[docs]class MAX(AggrFunctionDescr): pass
[docs]class MIN(AggrFunctionDescr): pass
[docs]class SUM(AggrFunctionDescr): pass
[docs]class COUNT(AggrFunctionDescr): rtype = "Int" maxargs = 2
[docs] def as_sql(self, backend, args): if len(args) == 2: # deprecated COUNT DISTINCT form, suppose 2nd argument is true warn( "[lgdb 1.10] use COUNTDISTINCT instead of COUNT(X, TRUE)", DeprecationWarning, ) return "%s(DISTINCT %s)" % (, args[0]) return "%s(%s)" % (, args[0])
[docs]class COUNTDISTINCT(AggrFunctionDescr): rtype = "Int"
[docs] def as_sql(self, backend, args): return "COUNT(DISTINCT %s)" % args[0]
[docs]class AVG(AggrFunctionDescr): rtype = "Float"
[docs]class ABS(FunctionDescr): rtype = "Float"
[docs]class UPPER(FunctionDescr): rtype = "String"
[docs]class LOWER(FunctionDescr): rtype = "String"
[docs]class IN(FunctionDescr): """this is actually a 'keyword' function...""" maxargs = None
[docs]class LENGTH(FunctionDescr): rtype = "Int"
[docs]class DATE(FunctionDescr): # XXX deprecates now we've CAST rtype = "Date"
[docs]class RANDOM(FunctionDescr): rtype = "Float" minargs = maxargs = 0 name_mapping = {"postgres": "RANDOM"}
[docs]class SUBSTRING(FunctionDescr): rtype = "String" minargs = maxargs = 3 name_mapping = {"postgres": "SUBSTR", "sqlite": "SUBSTR"}
[docs]class ExtractDateField(FunctionDescr): rtype = "Int" minargs = maxargs = 1 field = None # YEAR, MONTH, DAY, etc.
[docs] def as_sql_postgres(self, args): return "CAST(EXTRACT(%s from %s) AS INTEGER)" % (self.field, ", ".join(args))
[docs]class MONTH(ExtractDateField): field = "MONTH"
[docs]class YEAR(ExtractDateField): field = "YEAR"
[docs]class DAY(ExtractDateField): field = "DAY"
[docs]class HOUR(ExtractDateField): field = "HOUR"
[docs]class MINUTE(ExtractDateField): field = "MINUTE"
[docs]class SECOND(ExtractDateField): field = "SECOND"
[docs]class EPOCH(ExtractDateField): """Return EPOCH timestamp from a datetime/date ; return number of seconds for an interval. """ field = "EPOCH"
[docs]class WEEKDAY(FunctionDescr): """Return the day of the week represented by the date. Sunday == 1, Saturday = 7 (pick those values since it's recommended by in the ODBC standard) """ rtype = "Int" minargs = maxargs = 1
[docs] def as_sql_postgres(self, args): # for postgres, sunday is 0 return "(CAST(EXTRACT(DOW from %s) AS INTEGER) + 1)" % (", ".join(args))
[docs]class AT_TZ(FunctionDescr): """AT_TZ(TZDatetime, timezone) -> Return a datetime at a given time zone.""" supported_backends = ("postgres",) minargs = maxargs = 2
[docs] def as_sql_postgres(self, args): return "%s at time zone %s" % tuple(args)
[docs]class CAST(FunctionDescr): """usage is CAST(datatype, expression) sql-92 standard says (CAST <expr> as <type>) """ minargs = maxargs = 2 supported_backends = ("postgres", "sqlite") rtype = DYNAMIC_RTYPE
[docs] def as_sql(self, backend, args): yamstype, varname = args db_helper = get_db_helper(backend) sqltype = db_helper.TYPE_MAPPING[yamstype] return "CAST(%s AS %s)" % (varname, sqltype)
class _FunctionRegistry: def __init__(self, registry=None): if registry is None: self.functions = {} else: self.functions = registry.functions.copy def register_function(self, funcdef, funcname=None): try: if issubclass(funcdef, FunctionDescr): funcdef = funcdef() except TypeError: # issubclass is quite strict pass assert isinstance(funcdef, FunctionDescr) funcname = funcname or self.functions[funcname.upper()] = funcdef def get_function(self, funcname): try: return self.functions[funcname.upper()] except KeyError: raise UnknownFunction(funcname) def get_backend_function(self, funcname, backend): funcdef = self.get_function(funcname) if funcdef.supports(backend): return funcdef raise UnsupportedFunction(funcname) def copy(self): registry = _FunctionRegistry() for funcname, funcdef in self.functions.items(): registry.register_function(funcdef, funcname=funcname) return registry SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY = _FunctionRegistry() for func_class in ( # aggregate functions MIN, MAX, SUM, COUNT, COUNTDISTINCT, AVG, # transformation functions ABS, RANDOM, UPPER, LOWER, SUBSTRING, LENGTH, DATE, YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, WEEKDAY, EPOCH, AT_TZ, # cast functions CAST, # keyword function IN, ): SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.register_function(func_class())
[docs]def register_function(funcdef): """register the function `funcdef` on supported backends""" SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.register_function(funcdef)
class _TypeMapping(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): try: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) except KeyError: if key == "TZDatetime": return self["Datetime"] if key == "TZTime": return self["Time"] raise def copy(self): return _TypeMapping(dict.copy(self)) class _GenericAdvFuncHelper(FTIndexerMixIn): """Generic helper, trying to provide generic way to implement specific functionalities from others DBMS An exception is raised when the functionality is not emulatable """ # 'canonical' types are `yams` types. This dictionnary map those types to # backend specific types TYPE_MAPPING = _TypeMapping( { "String": "text", "SizeConstrainedString": "varchar(%s)", "Password": "bytea", "Bytes": "bytea", "Int": "integer", "BigInt": "bigint", "Float": "float", "Decimal": "decimal", "Boolean": "boolean", "Date": "date", "Time": "time", "Datetime": "timestamp", "Interval": "interval", } ) TYPE_CONVERTERS = { "Boolean": bool, # XXX needed for sqlite but I don't think it is for other backends "Datetime": convert_datetime, "Date": convert_date, "TZDatetime": convert_tzdatetime, "TZTime": convert_tztime, } # DBMS resources descriptors and accessors backend_name = None # overridden in subclasses ('postgres', 'sqlite', etc.) needs_from_clause = False union_parentheses_support = True intersect_all_support = True users_support = True groups_support = True ilike_support = True alter_column_support = True case_sensitive = False # allow call to [backup|restore]_commands without previous call to # record_connection_information but by specifying argument explicitly dbname = dbhost = dbport = dbuser = dbpassword = dbextraargs = dbencoding = ( dbschema ) = None def __init__(self, encoding="utf-8", _cnx=None): self.dbencoding = encoding self._cnx = _cnx self.dbapi_module = get_dbapi_compliant_module(self.backend_name) self.logger = _LOGGER def __repr__(self): if self.dbname is not None: return "<lgdbhelper %s@%s [%s] @%#x>" % ( self.dbname, self.dbhost, self.backend_name, id(self), ) return super(_GenericAdvFuncHelper, self).__repr__() def record_connection_info( self, dbname, dbhost=None, dbport=None, dbuser=None, dbpassword=None, dbextraargs=None, dbencoding=None, dbschema=None, ): self.dbname = dbname self.dbhost = dbhost self.dbport = dbport self.dbuser = dbuser self.dbpasswd = dbpassword self.dbextraargs = dbextraargs if dbencoding: self.dbencoding = dbencoding self.dbschema = dbschema def get_connection(self, initcnx=True): """open and return a connection to the database you should first call record_connection_info to set connection paramaters. """ if self.dbuser: "connecting to %s@%s for user %s", self.dbname, self.dbhost or "localhost", self.dbuser, ) else: "connecting to %s@%s", self.dbname, self.dbhost or "localhost" ) cnx = self.dbapi_module.connect( self.dbhost, self.dbname, self.dbuser, self.dbpasswd, port=self.dbport, schema=self.dbschema, extra_args=self.dbextraargs, ) if initcnx: for hook in SQL_CONNECT_HOOKS.get(self.backend_name, ()): hook(cnx) return cnx def set_connection(self, initcnx=True): self._cnx = self.get_connection(initcnx) @classmethod def function_description(cls, funcname): """return the description (`FunctionDescription`) for a SQL function""" return SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.get_backend_function(funcname, cls.backend_name) def func_as_sql(self, funcname, args): funcdef = SQL_FUNCTIONS_REGISTRY.get_backend_function( funcname, self.backend_name ) return funcdef.as_sql(self.backend_name, args) def system_database(self): """return the system database for the given driver""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def backup_commands( self, backupfile, keepownership=True, dbname=None, dbhost=None, dbport=None, dbuser=None, dbschema=None, ): """Return a list of commands to backup the given database. Each command may be given as a list or as a string. In the latter case, expected to be used with a subshell (for instance using `os.system(cmd)` or `, shell=True)` """ raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def restore_commands( self, backupfile, keepownership=True, drop=True, dbname=None, dbhost=None, dbport=None, dbuser=None, dbencoding=None, ): """Return a list of commands to restore a backup of the given database. Each command may be given as a list or as a string. In the latter case, expected to be used with a subshell (for instance using `os.system(cmd)` or `, shell=True)` """ raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") # helpers to standardize SQL according to the database ##################### def sql_current_date(self): """Return sql for the current date. Take care default implementation return date at the beginning of the transaction on some backend (eg postgres) """ return "CURRENT_DATE" def sql_current_time(self): """Return sql for the current time. Take care default implementation return time at the beginning of the transaction on some backend (eg postgres) """ return "CURRENT_TIME" def sql_current_timestamp(self): """Return sql for the current date and time. Take care default implementation return date and time at the beginning of the transaction on some backend (eg postgres) """ return "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" def sql_concat_string(self, lhs, rhs): """Return sql for concatenating given arguments (expected to be evaluated as string when executing the query). """ return "%s || %s" % (lhs, rhs) def sql_regexp_match_expression(self, pattern): """pattern matching using regexp""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def sql_create_index(self, table, column, unique=False): idx = self._index_name(table, column, unique) if unique: return "ALTER TABLE %s ADD UNIQUE(%s)" % (table, column) else: return "CREATE INDEX %s ON %s(%s);" % (idx, table, column) def sql_drop_index(self, table, column, unique=False): idx = self._index_name(table, column, unique) if unique: return "ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s" % (table, idx) else: return "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s" % idx def sqls_create_multicol_unique_index(self, table, columns, indexname=None): columns = sorted(columns) if indexname is None: warn( "You should provide an explicit index name else you risk " "a silent truncation of the computed index name.", DeprecationWarning, ) indexname = "unique_%s_%s_idx" % (table, "_".join(columns)) sql = "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX %s ON %s(%s);" % ( indexname.lower(), table, ",".join(columns), ) return [sql] def sqls_drop_multicol_unique_index(self, table, columns, indexname=None): columns = sorted(columns) if indexname is None: warn( "You should provide an explicit index name else you risk " "a silent truncation of the computed index name.", DeprecationWarning, ) indexname = "unique_%s_%s_idx" % (table, "_".join(columns)) sql = "DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s;" % (indexname.lower()) return [sql] # sequence protocol def sql_create_sequence(self, seq_name): return ("CREATE TABLE %s (last INTEGER);" "INSERT INTO %s VALUES (0);") % ( seq_name, seq_name, ) def sql_restart_sequence(self, seq_name, initial_value=1): return "UPDATE %s SET last=%s;" % (seq_name, initial_value) def sql_sequence_current_state(self, seq_name): return "SELECT last FROM %s;" % seq_name def sql_drop_sequence(self, seq_name): return "DROP TABLE %s;" % seq_name def sqls_increment_sequence(self, seq_name): return ( "UPDATE %s SET last=last+1;" % seq_name, "SELECT last FROM %s;" % seq_name, ) # /sequence # numrange protocol # this is like sequence, but allows whole range allocations sql_create_numrange = sql_create_sequence sql_restart_numrange = sql_restart_sequence sql_numrange_current_state = sql_sequence_current_state sql_drop_numrange = sql_drop_sequence def sqls_increment_numrange(self, seq_name, count=1): return ( "UPDATE %s SET last=last+%s;" % (seq_name, count), "SELECT last FROM %s;" % seq_name, ) # /numrange def sql_add_limit_offset(self, sql, limit=None, offset=0, orderby=None): """ modify the sql statement to add LIMIT and OFFSET clauses (or to emulate them if the backend does not support these SQL extensions) `orderby` argument may be needed for some backend """ if limit is None and not offset: return sql sql = [sql] if limit is not None: sql.append("LIMIT %d" % limit) if offset is not None and offset > 0: sql.append("OFFSET %d" % offset) return "\n".join(sql) def sql_add_order_by( self, sql, sortterms, selection, needwrap, has_limit_or_offset ): """ add an ORDER BY clause to the SQL query, and wrap the query if necessary :sql: the original sql query :sortterms: a list of tuples with term, sorting order and nulls policy :selection: the selection that must be gathered after ORDER BY :needwrap: boolean, True if the query must be wrapped in a subquery :has_limit_or_offset: not used (sqlserver helper needs this) """ order_sql_parts = [] for sortterm in sortterms: try: # safety belt to keep the old comportment: # sortterms used to be a list of string, and not # a list of tuples term, sorting_order, nulls_policy = sortterm except ValueError: warnings.warn( ( "In logilab-database [2.0], " "sortterms argument must be a list of tuples " "with term, sorting order and nulls policy." "If you are using cubicweb < 3.31, use " "logilab-database < 2.0.0 or upgrade your version " "of cubicweb. This warning will be removed in the future." ), DeprecationWarning, ) order_sql_parts.append(sortterm) continue nulls_parts = "" if nulls_policy == 1: # NULLS FIRST nulls_parts = f"{term} is NULL DESC, " elif nulls_policy == 2: # NULLS LAST nulls_parts = f"{term} is NULL, " if sorting_order == 1: # ASC order order_sql_parts.append(f"{nulls_parts}{term}") else: # DESC order order_sql_parts.append(f"{nulls_parts}{term} DESC") sql += "\nORDER BY %s" % ",".join(order_sql_parts) if sortterms[0] and needwrap: selection = ["T1.C%s" % i for i in range(len(selection))] sql = "SELECT %s FROM (%s) AS T1" % (",".join(selection), sql) return sql def sql_rename_col(self, table, column, newname, coltype, null_allowed): return "ALTER TABLE %s RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s" % (table, column, newname) def sql_rename_table(self, oldname, newname): return "ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s" % (oldname, newname) def sql_change_col_type(self, table, column, coltype, null_allowed): return "ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s TYPE %s" % (table, column, coltype) def sql_set_null_allowed(self, table, column, coltype, null_allowed): cmd = null_allowed and "DROP" or "SET" return "ALTER TABLE %s ALTER COLUMN %s %s NOT NULL" % (table, column, cmd) def temporary_table_name(self, table_name): """ return a temporary table name constructed from the table_name argument (e.g. for SQL Server, prepend a '#' to the name) Standard implementation returns the argument unchanged. """ return table_name def sql_temporary_table(self, table_name, table_schema, drop_on_commit=True): table_name = self.temporary_table_name(table_name) return "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE %s (%s);" % (table_name, table_schema) def binary_value(self, value): """convert a value to a python object known by the driver to be mapped to a binary column""" return self.dbapi_module.Binary(value) def increment_sequence(self, cursor, seq_name): for sql in self.sqls_increment_sequence(seq_name): cursor.execute(sql) return cursor.fetchone()[0] def create_user(self, cursor, user, password): """create a new database user""" if not self.users_support: raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") cursor.execute( "CREATE USER %(user)s " "WITH PASSWORD '%(password)s'" % locals() ) def _index_name(self, table, column, unique=False): if unique: # note: this naming is consistent with indices automatically # created by postgres when UNIQUE appears in a table schema return "%s_%s_key" % (table.lower(), column.lower()) else: return "%s_%s_idx" % (table.lower(), column.lower()) def create_index(self, cursor, table, column, unique=False): if not self.index_exists(cursor, table, column, unique): cursor.execute(self.sql_create_index(table, column, unique)) def drop_index(self, cursor, table, column, unique=False): if self.index_exists(cursor, table, column, unique): cursor.execute(self.sql_drop_index(table, column, unique)) def index_exists(self, cursor, table, column, unique=False): idx = self._index_name(table, column, unique) return idx in self.list_indices(cursor, table) def user_exists(self, cursor, username): """return True if a user with the given username exists""" return username in self.list_users(cursor) def change_col_type(self, cursor, table, column, coltype, null_allowed): cursor.execute(self.sql_change_col_type(table, column, coltype, null_allowed)) def set_null_allowed(self, cursor, table, column, coltype, null_allowed): cursor.execute(self.sql_set_null_allowed(table, column, coltype, null_allowed)) def create_database(self, cursor, dbname, owner=None, dbencoding=None): """create a new database""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def create_schema(self, cursor, schema, granted_user=None): """create a new database schema""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def drop_schema(self, cursor, schema): """drop a database schema""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def list_databases(self): """return the list of existing databases""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def list_users(self, cursor): """return the list of existing database users""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def list_tables(self, cursor): """return the list of tables of a database""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") def list_indices(self, cursor, table=None): """return the list of indices of a database, only for the given table if specified""" raise NotImplementedError("not supported by this DBMS") @callable_deprecated("[lgdb 1.10] deprecated method") def boolean_value(self, value): return int(bool(value))