Source code for logilab.database.ftiparser

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"""Yapps input grammar for indexer queries.


__docformat__ = "restructuredtext en"

# Begin -- grammar generated by Yapps
import sys
import re
from yapps import runtime

[docs]class IndexerQueryScanner(runtime.Scanner): patterns = [ ("'$'", re.compile("$")), ("\\s+", re.compile("\\s+")), ("WORD", re.compile("\\w+")), ( "STRING", re.compile("'([^\\'\\\\]|\\\\.)*'|\\\"([^\\\\\\\"\\\\]|\\\\.)*\\\""), ), ] def __init__(self, str, *args, **kw): runtime.Scanner.__init__(self, None, {"\\s+": None}, str, *args, **kw)
[docs]class IndexerQuery(runtime.Parser): Context = runtime.Context
[docs] def goal(self, Q, _parent=None): _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, "goal", [Q]) while self._peek(context=_context) != "'$'": self.all(Q, _context) self._scan("'$'", context=_context)
[docs] def all(self, Q, _parent=None): _context = self.Context(_parent, self._scanner, "all", [Q]) _token = self._peek("WORD", "STRING", context=_context) if _token == "WORD": WORD = self._scan("WORD", context=_context) Q.add_word(WORD) else: # == 'STRING' STRING = self._scan("STRING", context=_context) Q.add_phrase(STRING)
[docs]def parse(rule, text): P = IndexerQuery(IndexerQueryScanner(text)) return runtime.wrap_error_reporter(P, rule)
if __name__ == "__main__": from sys import argv, stdin if len(argv) >= 2: if len(argv) >= 3: f = open(argv[2], "r") else: f = stdin print(parse(argv[1], else: print("Args: <rule> [<filename>]", file=sys.stderr) # End -- grammar generated by Yapps