Source code for logilab.database.fti

# copyright 2003-2011 LOGILAB S.A. (Paris, FRANCE), all rights reserved.
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# This file is part of logilab-database.
# logilab-database is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
# Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your
# option) any later version.
# logilab-database is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License
# for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along
# with logilab-database. If not, see <>.
import re

from logilab.common.textutils import unormalize

REM_PUNC = re.compile(r"[,.;:!?\n\r\t\)\(«»\<\>/\\\|\[\]{}^#@$£_=+\-*&§]")

[docs]class StopWord(Exception): """Raised to indicate that a stop word has been encountered."""
[docs]def normalize(word): """Return the normalized form for a word. The word given in argument should be unicode ! currently normalized word are : _ in lower case _ without any accent This function may raise StopWord if the word shouldn't be indexed stop words are : _ single letter """ assert isinstance(word, str), "%r should be unicode" % word # do not index single letters if len(word) == 1: raise StopWord() word = unormalize(word.lower(), substitute="") # we need an ascii-only unicode string, not bytes return word.encode("ascii", "ignore").decode("ascii")
[docs]def normalize_words(rawwords): words = [] for word in rawwords: try: words.append(normalize(word)) except StopWord: continue return words
RE_DATE = r"\d{2,4}[/-]\d{2,2}[/-]\d{2,4}" RE_HOUR = r"\d{1,2}[:h]\d{2,2}:?\d{0,2}" # indexation tokenizer RE_WORD_INDEX = "[^ ,.;:!?\"\n\r\t)(«»\\<\\>/\\\\\\|\\[\\]{}^#@$£_'=+\\-&§\u2019]+" TOKENIZE_RE_INDEX = re.compile( f"(?:{RE_DATE})|(?:{RE_HOUR})|(?:{RE_WORD_INDEX})", re.L & re.U ) tokenize = TOKENIZE_RE_INDEX.findall # query tokenizer RE_WORD_QUERY = "[^ ,.;:!?\"\n\r\t)(«»\\<\\>/\\\\\\|\\[\\]{}^#@$£_'=+\\-&§\u2019]+" TOKENIZE_RE_QUERY = re.compile( f"(?:{RE_DATE})|(?:{RE_HOUR})|(?:{RE_WORD_QUERY})", re.L & re.U ) tokenize_query = TOKENIZE_RE_QUERY.findall
[docs]class FTIndexerMixIn: """The base full-text indexer mixin. To be mixed with advanced functionnality helper. Provide an inefficient but generic indexing method which can be overridden. """ fti_table = "appears" fti_uid_attr = "uid" fti_need_distinct = True fti_sql_schema = """ %s CREATE TABLE word ( word_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, word VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); CREATE TABLE appears( uid INTEGER, word_id INTEGER REFERENCES word ON DELETE CASCADE, pos INTEGER NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX appears_uid ON appears (uid); CREATE INDEX appears_word_id ON appears (word_id); """
[docs] def has_fti_table(self, cursor): return self.fti_table in self.list_tables(cursor)
[docs] def init_fti(self, cursor): self.init_fti_extensions(cursor) cursor.execute(self.sql_init_fti())
[docs] def init_fti_extensions(self, cursor, owner=None): """if necessary, install extensions at database creation time"""
[docs] def index_object(self, uid, obj, cnx=None): """index an object with the given uid the object should inherit from or be compatible with Indexable object """ if cnx is None: cnx = self._cnx cursor = cnx.cursor() try: self.cursor_index_object(uid, obj, cursor) cnx.commit() except Exception: cnx.rollback() raise
[docs] def unindex_object(self, uid, cnx=None): """unindex an object the object should inherit from or be compatible with Indexable object """ if cnx is None: cnx = self._cnx cursor = cnx.cursor() try: self.cursor_unindex_object(uid, cursor) cnx.commit() except Exception: cnx.rollback() raise
[docs] def reindex_object(self, uid, obj, cnx=None): """index an object with the given uid the object should inherit from or be compatible with Indexable object """ if cnx is None: cnx = self._cnx cursor = cnx.cursor() try: self.cursor_reindex_object(uid, obj, cursor) cnx.commit() except Exception: cnx.rollback() raise
[docs] def cursor_index_object(self, uid, obj, cursor): position = 0 # sort for test predictability for weight, words in sorted(obj.get_words().items()): for word in words: self._save_word(uid, word, position, cursor) position += 1
[docs] def cursor_unindex_object(self, uid, cursor): cursor.execute("DELETE FROM appears WHERE uid=%s" % uid)
[docs] def cursor_reindex_object(self, uid, obj, cursor): self.cursor_unindex_object(uid, cursor) self.cursor_index_object(uid, obj, cursor)
def _save_word(self, uid, word, position, cursor): try: word = normalize(word) except StopWord: return cursor.execute("SELECT word_id FROM word WHERE word=%(word)s;", {"word": word}) wid = cursor.fetchone() if wid is None: wid = self.increment_sequence(cursor, "word_id_seq") try: cursor.execute( """INSERT INTO word(word_id, word) VALUES (%(uid)s,%(word)s);""", {"uid": wid, "word": word}, ) except Exception: # Race condition occured. # someone inserted the word before we did. # Never mind, let's use the new entry... cursor.execute( "SELECT word_id FROM word WHERE word=%(word)s;", {"word": word} ) wid = cursor.fetchone()[0] else: wid = wid[0] cursor.execute( "INSERT INTO appears(uid, word_id, pos) " "VALUES (%(uid)s,%(wid)s,%(position)s);", {"uid": uid, "wid": wid, "position": position}, )
[docs] def fti_restriction_sql(self, tablename, querystr, jointo=None, not_=False): words = [] for word in tokenize(querystr): try: words.append("'%s'" % normalize(word)) except StopWord: continue sql = "{}.word_id IN (SELECT word_id FROM word WHERE word in ({}))".format( tablename, ", ".join(words), ) if not_: sql = "NOT (%s)" % sql if jointo is None: return sql return f"{sql} AND {tablename}.uid={jointo}"
[docs] def fti_rank_order(self, tablename, querystr): return None
[docs] def sql_init_fti(self): """return the sql definition of table()s used by the full text index""" return self.fti_sql_schema % self.sql_create_sequence("word_id_seq")
[docs] def sql_drop_fti(self): """drop tables used by the full text index""" return """DROP TABLE appears; DROP TABLE word; %s""" % self.sql_drop_sequence("word_id_seq")
[docs] def sql_grant_user_on_fti(self, user): return """GRANT ALL ON appears_uid TO %s; GRANT ALL ON appears_word_id TO %s; GRANT ALL ON appears TO %s; GRANT ALL ON word TO %s; """ % ( user, user, user, user, )